Counting My Blessings

I have been very blessed that so far my pregnancy has been low-risk and I have had no complications. I try to reflect on this and my many other blessings–not only is it a good life practice but it is also great motivation for me to get out of bed when my alarm goes off at 5:30 am and go to the gym. Some people ask me why I am still working out, why I get up instead of sleeping more and the simple answer is because I can. The ability to move one’s body is such a blessing that so many of us forget or neglect it–often until it is too late. In a culture that moves so fast and highly values accomplishments it is easy to lose sight of everyday blessings.

Of course big accomplishments are worth celebrating but when one becomes so focused on obtaining that promotion, winning a big case, etc. one often shifts all of their energy to that one project and their life balance suffers. Relationships with family and friends suffers, taking care of oneself becomes lost in the hustle and bustle that is life, but by neglecting those you love (which should include yourself) life eventually becomes miserable. While money and power have many benefits they cannot replace love, nor can material objects or fame and success. Too often when one gets to know someone that “has it all” they find a miserable person in poor health, trying to buy happiness, with estranged family relationships and alienated friends.

One hears the phrase “it is lonely at the top” I think that must be because of the path that many take to get to the top, the important qualities of gratitude and mercy are often left behind. Now not everyone who makes it to the top has ruthlessly obtained their success, I am sure there are many kind, loving, empathetic individuals who are loyal and respectful but money and success can change people. Blind ambition has the tendency to harden hearts and compromise one’s morals. Remembering where you came from is very important, but so is appreciating and respecting those individuals that helped you get there.

Counting one’s blessings has the amazing ability to put one’s life back in perspective. While everyone suffers hardships and setbacks throughout their life, and some seem to suffer more than others one can often find a least a few things to be thankful for. Even right after my mother passed away when I was a freshman in college I was still thankful that I lived in California, was attending UCSB, I had my health, and I was so lucky to have the rest of my family and such wonderful friends. There are times in one’s life where one questions if they have the strength to go on living, if the work of overcoming the pain is even worth it. Thankfully there are so many beautiful aspects of life, the tranquility of water, the incredible construction of a flower, the sweet juiciness of fruit, the joy of laughter; when one truly thinks of all the wonders one can experience on a daily basis the list becomes endless. Too often we lose sight of all the miraculous things right in front of us as we become all consumed with work and our to do list. Most importantly breathe–God gave us enough hours in the day to get everything accomplished that we need to finish; we just have to get our priorities straight.

I have been becoming more aware of the importance of counting my blessings as I get older. Pregnancy and converting to Catholicism have certainly made me ponder this topic more. What prompted this blog post was trying to convince my husband last night that working out in the morning is not only beneficial but he would eventually come to enjoy it. We have been discussing the virtues of working out for months now–he knows logically that there are health benefits but he groans and complains about it every night we go to bed early in order to wake up early and I am desperately trying to get him to adopt a positive attitude about working out. Being a lawyer means that he is excellent at coming up with a bevy of excuses and rationalizations about why he doesn’t like and should not do it.

So last night I took a different strategy, I told him that he should be grateful for the fact that he CAN run, that he is able-bodied. I asked him to reflect upon all the individuals that are unable to run for one reason or another and what a gift it is that he has two working legs. Our body is a blessing and we should respect it by utilizing our muscles, growing stronger, appreciating what we are able to do–whether that is running a full marathon or walking a few blocks. If we do not appreciate our bodies and work to make them the best they can be we are not only doing a disservice to ourselves but we are disrespecting all we have been given. Not to mention we are eventually rewarded for our hard work, after weeks (and perhaps months) of dedication and time your body begins to release endorphins when you workout. The rush of natural feel-good brain chemicals is your body’s way of saying thank you, and encouraging you to keep up your exercise routine.

If everyone took five minutes of their day to reflect upon all the positive things in their life I believe the world would be a happier place. Not to mention if everyone made the time to exercise 3-4 times a week for an hour what an impact that would have on society overall—diseases would diminish and depression would also see a decline. While working towards big achievements are very important, but don’t let them blind you from the importance of everyday activities that show your family and friends you care about them and actions that demonstrate you love and care about yourself also.

About RosePoet

I ponder life; the breathtaking beauty, the senseless horror, the amazingly idiotic and the incredibly intelligent. To make sense of it all I write poetry. I love going to museums and art galleries, I try to capture beauty when I can. As a professional woman I live for a fashionable polished look, especially if it includes great shoes. As with any human being I am imperfect and I attempt to uncover and understand my demons through my writing. Immortality fascinates me especially the ancient Greek interpretation, what can I be remembered for that others will continue to know my name long after I have left this world?
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2 Responses to Counting My Blessings

  1. HEIDI says:

    Hello Ashley, Here is a funny one for you…going out of insurance and want to work at Nordtrom. A Group interview this Friday, I am not sure yet if it is for the seasonal or permanent job! Do you have any pointers. I am blessed with the thought of doing something that is fun and rewarding for the last 15 years of working you know! So opposite road then you took! Are you paid a salary base with commiission. Can you tell me about this please. Heidi

    P.S. Glad pregnancy is streamlined…Talk soon!! maybe I get the job and we can meet up a Nordies Cafe’ yah sounds good!

    • RosePoet says:

      Nordstrom is a great company, best of luck! I haven’t worked there since 2009 so it would be best to ask all those questions in the interview. It might just be a seasonal position but I’m sure if you do really well they will find a permanent position for you.

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